Board View

Board (Kanban) is the system that should make your task management more efficient. In the case of eWay-CRM Online, it can be used for any of its modules. Its advantages are clear arrangement and the simplification of some processes.

You can easily turn on the Board by clicking its icon above the list.

You will see a view similar to this one:

This is the board of deals but it is similar to other modules. Each item has its card, which is divided into columns by the selected criteria.


List controls

You will find there:

User views

In the top part of the Board, you can see your views - default views, your own views, or views shared with all your colleagues.

Just click on the view name so you will set it for the list as you need.

The Board is set as default for deals, projects, and tasks.


If you want to filter items, just click the Filter button.

You will see the dialog when you can set the filter you need. The Board has some predefined filters that are caused by the selected grouping - see below.

For more information about filters, go to Filter Items.


If you click the Group by button, you will set the field that will be used for grouping values into columns in the list.

For example: When you select grouping by specific type, you will see item cards in columns by the statute. If you use a date field, columns will be specific dates, etc.

The grouping is possible by relation fields related to the Users module (Owner, Solver, etc.), types, statuses, and date fields.

Manual sort

When you click Manual Sort, you can set the field that will be used for sorting items in columns and whether the sorting will be ascending or descending.

If you are using a field that is not on the card by default for sorting, you will see the value of the sorting field on the card.

Field Chooser

The Field Chooser allows you to show other values in the item card in the board list. some values are displayed in the default and cannot be removed, but you can add up to 10 other fields that can be shown right in the item card. Just click the fields you want to see in the list. You can search the list because the fields list can be long.

For example, if you click Country and Currency, if the item has them filled, you will see their values in the item card. You have a simple overview of all the important values you need on your Board.

Other options

Other options for customizing the lost are under the three dots icon right on the panel. If you click it, you will see these options:

An easier way to show/hide the preview panel is to click the Preview Panel button:

Item card

You will find there:

Columns and their summarization

Items are divided into columns by the criteria you selected - see above. The name of the column and the number of items in it are in the top part of each column.

You have there also a summarization field where you can specify which field would be used for summarization.

Description of the item card

The item card can be slightly different based on the module (some differences are described below). The following picture has all main features:

1 Categorie(s) that are related to the item.
2 The name of the item.
3 Contact and company related to the item - these are clickable links; the detail of the contact/company is opened when clicked.
4 The value of the field that is used for sorting.
5 Information of how many items are related to the item - these are tasks, journals, documents, and emails.

The owner of the item - then you move the cursor over it, you will see the whole name. The difference is for these modules: Project (there is the name of the Project manager) and Tasks (there is the name of the Solver).

This field (except the Projects module) can be edited right in the Board.


Due/End date - it is a special field for deals, projects, and tasks. If the date is red, it is overdue.

This field - if it is not limited by permissions - can be edited right in the Board.


Price - it is a special field for deals and projects. It states the financial revenue from a deal or project.

This field - if it is not limited by permissions or settings (Automatically calculate Estimated Revenue from active proposals or Automatically calculate Actual Revenue from sales invoices) - can be edited right in the Board.

Work with the item card

The basic of the work with the item is its editing. You can edit the item by double-clicking it and then edit it - see Create and Edit Items.

The specific feature of the Board is drag and drop. You can drag any item, move it, and drop it where you need it - in a different position in the column or in a different column.

The drag-and-drop has some limitations:

  • You need permission to edit items and you can move it to another column - e.g. to change its status.
  • All mandatory fields are filled.
  • Conditions of workflows when moving from one status to another one, are all filled.

The drag-and-drop can make your work easier:

  • task or deal can be completed only by moving the card to completed status,
  • move the task to another solver or another date,
  • change the item owner,
  • change the type of journal, etc.

You have many possibilities and it is up to you how you use your Board.

Review of related items

You can see the number of related items (tasks, journals, emails, and documents) on the item card. 

for tasks, you also see how many of the tasks are finished. If they are green, you have finished all of them.

Completing the task

To make the completion of a task even easier, you can just move the cursor over the circle next to the task name.

The circle changes and you just click it to Complete the task, of course, the flow must be allowed and its action must be met.