Email Integration With eWay-CRM
The eWay-CRM system has its own Email module which is separate from the email inbox in Microsoft Outlook. Emails received in Microsoft Outlook can also be stored in eWay-CRM. This enables the archiving of electronic communication into the system. Even when the user deletes a communication from his inbox, the communication will still be stored in eWay-CRM. You can import emails manually or define rules for the automatic saving of emails into eWay-CRM.
You can also use, within the integration of emails into eWay-CRM, the email attachments saving function. More information about this function can be found in the article: Save Email Attachments to eWay-CRM. You can also create deals from email messages – more information in the article Create New Deal From Email.
Save Emails Manually to eWay-CRM
When you are importing emails manually into the eWay-CRM system, you have to select each email individually. This function can be used for the complete control of emails import or if you want to save an email which doesn’t match the automatic rules for saving into eWay-CRM. The process is naturally more difficult (as opposed to automatic email saving) and it is quite possible that a user could simply forget to save some information to the system.
If you want to save emails manually, there are three ways to do it. Their usability depends on your preferences, type of work or your desired results.
I. Save to eWay-CRM From Email Window
If you have opened an email and you want to save it into eWay-CRM, click Save to eWay-CRM in the upper right corner of the email window. You can also select the superior Project/Deal in the lower part of the window. (We do not recommend working with both options simultaneously – see the text below).
The email will be saved into Emails module in eWay-CRM after clicking Save to eWay-CRM. The email will contain a relation to the user who created it. If a Contact or Company which contains the email address of the recipient exists, the email will be linked to that Contact or Company.
Assigning an email to the Superior Item can be done via tab in the lower part of the email window. If you want to import an email to eWay-CRM, you only have to define the Superior item without the need to click Save to eWay-CRM. When you select the Superior item, the Save to eWay-CRM button on the toolbar will be pressed automatically. This signifies that the email had been saved in the system and it is not necessary to press the button again.
Note: If the email address is already related to a contact or a company in eWay-CRM, use Enable Active Deals and Projects Filter on Superior Item setting; Superior Item field will filter for you only these deals and projects that are related to this contact or company.
The bottom part of the Email window also allows you to choose a category of an email. For more information about categorization, go to Email Categorization.
Superior item can be changed at any time through the selection of different item in this tab (the picture above).
If you want to display, for example, the Project window with details of a Project which is selected in the Superior item menu, press the “...” button.
If you want to track an email in eWay-CRM but also want to remove the relation with the Superior item, click the cross icon, near the Superior item field. It will remove the value from this field. You will notice that the Save to eWay-CRM button will stay coloured – the email will remain in the system without the relation with the Superior item.
If you want to stop tracking the email in eWay-CRM completely, you can simply unmark the Save to eWay-CRM button in the upper right corner of the email window.
Notice: If you select the Superior item first and then press Save to eWay-CRM, the system will firstly add the message to the Superior item (please note that the Save to eWay-CRM button will be highlighted) and pressing Save to eWay-CRM will remove the message from eWay-CRM (the button will not be highlighted orange after clicking).
If you remove the Superior item of an email from eWay-CRM, the email assigned to it will also be deleted.
II. Save to eWay-CRM Via Context Menu
Emails can also be saved into eWay-CRM via the email context menu (see the picture below) which will appear when you right-click an email in the email list (Inbox) and select Save to eWay-CRM. If selected e-mails are already stored in eWay-CRM, Save to eWay-CRM will not be active.
After the import, you will be asked whether you want to open imported item or not. If you select No, the import will be finished and the email will be saved only in the Emails module and related to the user who saved it into eWay-CRM. If you select Yes, the window of the imported item will be displayed and you will have option to adjust the item details and its relations to other items in eWay-CRM (Project, Company, and so on).
Automatic Email Saving to eWay-CRM
You can adjust the automatic saving of incoming and outgoing emails into eWay-CRM. Rules for this saving can be defined in the eWay-CRM Settings in the Emails Tab – see the chapter Emails Tab.
If you want to set that some user groups wil have tracked all their email communication, use User Groups Forced to Track Their Emails setting.
Incoming emails could be automatically stored to the Contacts or Companies and Users in dependency to selected settings in eWay-CRM. It is also possible to select Superiror Item, to which will be emails stored in the system, within sending of messages that should be tracked. You can also select a caegory for this email. For more information about categories, go to Emails Categorization.
You can add a new item as a superior item (click + button) that can be project, deal or marketing campaign. Sent email contains information that can be used for the automatic filling of values in the new superior item. The values are filled in this way:
- Project:
- Email subject becomes the project name
- Email address is used for the searching a relation with a contact and a company that are paste into the new project if the relation is found
- The relation with the sent email is add to the new project
- Deal:
- Email subject becomes the deal name
- Email address is paste into the appropriate field
- Email address is used for the searching a relation with a contact and a company that are paste into the new deal if the relation is found - based on this, also address and telephone number are prefilled
- The relation with the sent email is add to the new deal
- Marketing:
- Email subject becomes the marketing campaign name
- The relation with the sent email is add to the new marketing campaign
Note: If the email address is already related to a contact or a company in eWay-CRM, Superior Item field will filter for you only these deals and projects that are related to this contact or company.
Select a Superior Item in the dialog window you want to relate with email and accept the selection by clicking OK. If you don't wish to relate email with any item, click the cross icon by the field for the superior item selection, which is there for adjusting the empty field. If you do not want to save email to eWay-CRM at all, click the Cancel button. When you send email from mobile applications, it is always saved when automatic tracking is turned on, it cannot be cancelled. Email is saved right when you turn on Microsoft Outlook again.
If the email address of the receiver (outgoing messages) or sender (incoming messages) is saved in eWay-CRM and has related only one project, or only one deal, the project or deal will be automatically related as a superior item to the saved email. The function is working for incoming and outgoing emails too; the superior item will be prefilled in Save Email to eWay-CRM dialog after sending an email.
The function is based on matching the email address with its presence in the eWay-CRM database. If the email address is related to more than one superior item, the Superior item field cannot be prefilled. In the case of outgoing emails, you can turn on and off this function, as you wish. Use the Predefine Active Deal or Project When Sending New Email setting.
After selecting a Superior item, the email will be automatically imported into eWay-CRM and assigned to the appropriate Superior item. The email will also be related to the user who import it into the system. Other links with Company, Contact or User will be created according to your rules for the outgoing post – more information can be found in the chapter Emails Tab. The Save to eWay-CRM button on the toolbar of the email window will be pressed, which signifies that email is being tracked.