Workflow Action Types - Before and After

You can use two types of actions for creating workflows and their flows - Actions before and Actions after.

Actions before are actions that are performed before saving the changes to a workflow step. They are used to check whether or not the item meets the requirements of the workflow status change by project, document, deal, and so on.

Actions after are actions that are performed after saving a change of workflow status. They are used for inserting an entry about the status change of the item in eWay-CRM or to notify users about this change.

Actions Before List

Are Equal

This action is intended for the comparison of values in two different fields. For example, whether the current user is the supervisor of the leave applicant. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Are Equal - Action Description.

Check Presence of Relation

This action checks whether a relation has been created between a given item and another item in eWay-CRM or not. For example, if a document of the type Completion Certificate for the project was attached when the status was changed to Invoice. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Check Presence of Relation - Action Description.

Database Field Is Not Empty

This action disables the check of whether a selected field in the database is empty or has a value stored in it. For example, when the project switches to the Implementation status, it checks whether the project price is entered. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Database Field Is Not Empty - Action Description.

Disable Database Field Is Not Empty Check

This action checks whether a selected field in the database is empty or has a value stored in it. For example, you can delete the value that has no more sense for the item. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Disable Database Field Is Not Empty Check - Action Description.

Set Field Value

The action - during the workflow status change - inserts the specific value into the specified field of the item window. This can be used for the project price calculation or for setting the probability of deals. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Set Field Value - Action Description.

Actions After List

Create Relation

This action allows you to create a new item in relation to another item. This action can be used in a project within the change of the workflow from the Offer status to the Contract status and you can automatically link the contract template to the project and the document can easily be edited according to your needs. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Create Relation - Action Description.

Create Task

This action automatically creates a new task, the same task that you know from MS Outlook. The task name can be defined in the action, you can also define who will be listed as the taskmaster, who will be listed as a solver, the date of proposed completion, and also the relation to the item (project/company) that will be created and from whose workflow the task was created. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Create Task - Action Description.

Lock Form

This action locks the item window. If the action is activated, buttons and fields in the item window are locked and set to reading only. It causes that items cannot be edited or deleted. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Lock Form - Action Description.

Lock Field

This action locks the fields selected by the administrator in an item window, so the value in it cannot be changed. For example, the date of the start and end of the leave once the application has been approved. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Lock Item - Action Description.

Unlock Field

This action unlocks the field selected by the administrator in an item window, so the value in it can be changed again. For example, the task is in the status where it needs a revision so the Due Date field can be changed again. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Unlock Item - Action Description.

Send Email

This action sends an email to the selected users with information that the workflow step of a given item was changed. For example, sends an email to the financial manager that an invoice needs to be created. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Send Email - Action Description.

Set Item Owner

This action adjusts the selected user as the item owner. For example, the assistant can insert the invoice and consequently assign it to the correct owner. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Set Item Owner - Action Description.

Write Journal Entry

This action creates a new journal related to a given item where you can insert additional information about the change of a workflow step (e.g. reason for rejecting a leave request). For more information about the action and its setting, go to Write Journal Entry - Action Description.

Hide Field on Form

This action hides the field selected by the administrator in an item window, so the value in it cannot be seen or changed. For example, when you need to fill the value in a specific status, not earlier. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Hide Field on Form - Action Description.

Unhide Field on Form

This action shows the field selected by the administrator in an item window, so the value in it can be seen and changed again. For example, the user is in the status where is needed to make a relation with a document. For more information about the action and its setting, go to Unhide Field on Form - Action Description.