In-Cell Editing of Items

Availability: The feature is available from version eWay-CRM 8.3.



Editing fields

You can think of the list as a table where individual values can be edited.

Just click into the field and start typing. Editing in the list has its specifics depending on the type of field, as described below.

Upon confirmation, the value is saved, indicated by a green frame.

Editing items directly in the list is, of course, connected with the individual functions that you encounter when editing in the item detail:

  • It is not possible to save a value if the required field for the item is not filled in.
  • It is not possible to save a value if an action tied to the state transition is not completed.
  • When the state changes, all actions associated with the transition between states are performed.
  • If a company is entered into the contact, the company's information is entered into the contact if it has not been filled in yet, etc.

You can edit values using the keyboard, moving with the arrow keys as usual, without needing to use the mouse. You can use these keys and shortcuts:

  • Enter - confirms the change in the field, the cursor moves to the field below
  • SHIFT + Enter - confirms the change in the field, the cursor moves to the field above
  • Del - deletes the value
  • Esc - cancels the change in the field
  • CTRL + Enter - opens the item detail regardless of which field you are on
  • CTRL + Del - deletes the item
  • CTRL + C - copies a value in the selected field

Editing depending on the field type

Depending on the type of field, editing may vary slightly, as shown in the following table:

Field Type Description
Text Field Standard text is entered.
Multi-line Text Field Standard text is entered; line breaks should be made using SHIFT + Enter.
Link Standard text is entered, which changes to a link after saving.

Selected from a list that appears when you click into the field / hover over it and press Enter. Searches can be performed within the list.

Numeric Field Only numbers can be entered.
Date Field

Selected from a calendar that appears when you click into the field / hover over it and press Enter.

Checkbox Field

A checkbox appears when you click into the field / hover over it and press Enter.

Drop Down

Selected from a list that appears when you click into the field / hover over it and press Enter. Searches can be performed within the list.

Multi Select Drop Down

Selected from a list that appears when you click into the field / hover over it and press Enter. Searches can be performed within the list.