Work With Relations

You can relate a new item or an existing item to the item you have opened in detail. You can always cancel the relation between two items.

Relation With New Item

In the item dialog, click Add New. Now, select the type of item you want to relate to, e.g. Journal. At the same time, you have the option to click Show More to view the extended menu.

A wider menu will appear, allowing you to create items directly with the specified type.

The new journal window will be opened.

Fill in values as you need. Then, click Save and Close.

A new journal will appear in its tab on items from what was created.

Similarly, on journal detail, the item from which the journal was created is in its tab.

Note: eWay-CRM makes your work life as simple as possible so you don't have to fill some values. For example, the contact person and company are filled in a journal or document when you create them from a deal or project. When you make a contact from a company, the address and phone number of the company are filled into the contact. There are more of these features in eWay-CRM.

Relation With Existing Item

In the item dialog, click Link to Existing. Now, select the type of item you want to add, e.g. Document.

A list of documents will open. Double-click the document you want to add or click it and then press Link.

The document will appear in its tab on the item to what it was related.

Similarly, on document detail, the item to which the document was added is in its tab.

Unlink the Relation

Availability: The feature is available from version eWay-CRM 8.3.

If you no longer want to have a link between two items, right-click on the item in the tab that you want to unlink and select Unlink.

Only the link will be removed, not the item itself.

In some cases, this option may not be active because the deletion of system items or other items necessary for maintaining comprehensive functionality, such as time sheet links, is restricted.