Automatically create a project when changing the deal's status to Closed Won

The setting is in: Administration Center > Features > Sales.

Automatically create a project when changing the deal's status to Closed Won defines whether the project will be automatically created when the deal is moved to the Closed Won status. The user must have permissions to create projects.

Click Automatically create a project when changing the deal's status to Closed Won to turn the setting on/off.

If the function is turned on, the project will be automatically created when the deal is moved to the Closed Won status. If the company and contact person on the deal are filled as text, they will be created too (the user must have permission to Contacts and Companies modules).

If the function is turned off, the project won't be automatically created. If the company and contact person on the deal are filled as text, they will be created (the user must have permission to Contacts and Companies modules).

When you change the settings, be sure to click Save. For more information, go to Features.

Availability: Global setting is available since eWay-CRM 5.2.0.