Notification of User About New Relations to Document

During your work, it is also necessary to have an overview of relations to a document you have been related to. If you lose the insight, you can add documents to incorrect projects where they are not up-to-date or you relate them to unsuitable deals, etc. eWay-CRM has a simple solution for these needs. You can track existing relations to a document you were added to. eWay-CRM has a simple function that automatically notifies the user that the document he has been related to his existing relations to a project, deal, company, or contact.

You have immediately an overview of a project, deal, company, or contact which are related to a document with who you have a new relationship.

If the notification is active (see below), all users who have a new relation to the document will receive an email saying what relations to the document exist. Notification is sent by email, so each user must have an email address filled in his or her User window. If the email address is not filled, notification cannot be received.

Set the Notification

The notification will be sent only to the users that are newly related to the document. Setting (turning on and off) of the notification is in the Administration Center of eWay-CRM in the Global Settings section, category Documents.

For more information about notification settings in the Administration Center, go to Notify User About Document on Project or Deal or Company or Contact When Relation Between Document and User Is Created.

If a notification is set, authorized users will receive (in described cases) a similar email:

The language of the notification email is the same as the Default Language.