How to Restart eWay-CRM Web Service


Sometimes, you need to restart eWay-CRM web service to make changes functional right away. The article shows you how to restart eWay-CRM web service in different ways.


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Option 1: Make a Change in the Web.config File

In the main folder of the eWay-CRM web service, there is the Web.config file. For restarting web service, open the file for edit, make a minor change (e.g. put a blank space next to commented text) and save the file.

Option 2: Rename the _App_Offline.htm File

In the main folder of the eWay-CRM web service, there is the _App_Offline.htm file. For restarting web service, rename the file to App_Offline.htm and then back to _App_Offline.htm.

Option 3: Recycle Application Pool

  1. Run Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on the server.
  2. Go to Application Pools of your server.
  3. Select application pool of web service that you want to restart and right-click it. Choose Recycle.

  1. Web service is restarted.