Hyperlink format in emails
Since eWay-CRM 7 links in emails are generated using https://open.eway-crm.com where you can pick whether you want to use eWay-CRM Desktop or eWay-CRM Online to open the link. It works on all platforms.
If you upgrade from an older version of eWay-CRM you have to make additional changes to your setup.
All versions of eWay-CRM
Global setting UseNewOpenLinkFormat has to be enabled:
EXEC eWaySP_SetGlobalSettingValue 'UseNewOpenLinkFormat', '1'
There needs to be WebServiceAddress filled in Web.config - Publicly visible Web Service address ending with /.
<add key="WebServiceAddress" value="https://localhost/eWayWSImpala/" />
If you change it you need to recreate CLR procedures:
EXEC eWaySP_CreateClrProcedures
You can also roll back to the legacy format which works only for eWay-CRM Desktop (eway://). Just change UseNewOpenLinkFormat to 0.