Integration With WordPress

If you want to get the plugin, go to Plugins in the WordPress administration and select Add New. In the search field, type in eWay-CRM Extension for Contact Form 7.

After you install the plugin, activate it.

When the plugin is activated, go to SettingseWay-CRM CF7 Extension.

You need to insert these fields:

  • Web Service (URL)
  • Username (it is possible to have a specific user without an assigned license - see How to Create API User)
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Since version 1.1.14 the plugin requires OAuth authentication, so there is a need to fill in ClientID and ClientSecret.

If the web service is on the eWay-Cloud, the client must contact the support team. The client sends us the address where the WordPress is running.

OAuth login is created on the server database.

The WordPress address http://localhost:8080/wordpress/ in the script is changed to the provided address. It is the address of eWay-CRM Extensions CF7 in WordPress.

EXEC dbo.eWaySP_Auth_CreateClient 'CF7EW', 'http://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=manage_eway_crm_cf7_extension', @ClientID = 'CF7EW'
UPDATE EWD_AuthClients SET Flow = 6 WHERE ClientName = 'CF7EW' SELECT * FROM EWD_AuthClients WHERE ClientName = 'CF7EW'

 The script returns Client ID and Client Secret after execution.