Integration With QuickBooks

eWay-CRM can synchronize data with QuickBooks Online service. Due to the synchronization, you will have all your important data both in eWay-CRM and in QuickBooks. If you can access only one application, you always find current data there.


You will need:

Synchronization Interval

Synchronization from eWay-CRM to QuickBooks: This way items are synchronized immediately after being uploaded to the server.

Synchronization from QuickBooks to eWay-CRM: The default interval is 15 minutes, but this could be changed.

Synchronized Modules

eWay-CRM and QuickBooks work differently, but we are trying to make synchronization the best way possible. Now, with our feature, you can synchronize data from these modules in these ways:

Module in eWay-CRM Module (page) in QuickBooks Way of Synchronization
Contacts Customers* Both ways
Companies Customers* Both ways
Bookkeeping Records (Sales Invoices) Invoices Both ways
Exchange Rates Exchange Rates From QuickBooks to eWay-CRM
Products Products and Services From QuickBooks to eWay-CRM

* Because QuickBooks has only one module whereas eWay-CRM has Contacts and Companies, an item is saved into eWay-CRM Companies only in the case when in QuickBooks the fields Name and Surname are not filled

Synchronized Values


Field in eWay-CRM Field in QuickBooks
Title Title
First Name First name
Middle Name Middle name
Last Name Last name
Suffix Suffix
Email 1 Email
Company Parent customer
Business Phone
Mobile Mobile
Fax Fax
Other (phone number) Other (phone number)
Website Website
Business Address (Street, City, State, ZIP, Country) Billing address (Street, City, County, Postcode, Country)
Note Notes


Field in eWay-CRM Field in QuickBooks
Company Name Company
Email Email
Phone Phone
Mobile Mobile
Fax Fax
Website Website
Billing Address (Street, City, State, ZIP, Country) Billing address (Street, City, County, Postcode, Country)
Physical Address (Street, City, State, ZIP, Country) Shipping address (Street, City, County, Postcode, Country)
Note Notes


Field in eWay-CRM Item in eWay-CRM Where the Value Is Filled Field in QuickBooks
Subject Bookkeeping Record Name (title)
Type Bookkeeping Record Name (title)
Status Bookkeeping Record Status
Customer Company Customer
Email Company Customer email
Billing Address Company Billing address
Date Issued Bookkeeping Record Invoice date
Due Date Bookkeeping Record Due date
Price Incl. Sales Tax Bookkeeping Record Price (Total)
Currency Bookkeeping Record Currency
Product ID Product in Bookkeeping Record Product/Service
Note Product in Bookkeeping Record Description
Quantity Product in Bookkeeping Record Qty
List Price Product in Bookkeeping Record Rate
Note Bookkeeping Record Message on invoice
Sales Tax Product in Bookkeeping Record Tax
Sales Tax Rate Product in Bookkeeping Record Tax rate
Discount Product in Bookkeeping Record Discount percent
Paid Bookkeeping Record Amount received


Field in eWay-CRM Field in QuickBooks
Name Name
Product ID SKU
Note Description on sales forms
List Price Sales price
Purchase Price Cost