Remove Items
If you have a sufficient permission you can delete items from the system. Select the item which you want to delete and right-click it. Select Delete from the context menu. A dialog for confirmation of deletion will appear. After clicking Yes the item will be deleted. If you click No, the action will be cancelled.
An item can be also deleted with the Delete key above the selected item. Both ways allow multiple deletions – all selected items will be deleted.
If you have an opened window for an item that you want to delete, you can simply click the Delete button in the upper left window corner.
Some modules (Goals, Leaves, Salaries, Bonuses, Trainings / Certifications and Skills on user) allows you only to use delete in the item window. Items cannot be deleted in the list due to the specific relations related to those modules.
Remove Confirmation Dialog
If you click remove icon, different dialogs of remove confirmation can appear.
Standard Dialog
This dialog is same for most modules. Just select, you really want to delete the item, or not.
Click Yes and item will be deleted; click No and item will not be deleted.
Dialog With CAPTCHA
Different dialog will pop up when you try to delete marketing campaign, deal, project, contact or company when GDPR functions are not turned on. If you try to delete some of named items, you will see this dialog:
If you really want to delete the item, you need type down three letters you will see, at first. If you do so, the Yes button will be enabled and you can click it to delete the item.
Click No and item will not be deleted.
Special Dialog in GDPR Regime
Specific removing is in the GDPR regime for Deals, Contacts and Companies modules when you are deleting not only item itself, but also other related item. Please see the GDPR article for more information.