eWay-CRM Sales Executive Dashboard


eWay-CRM Sales Executive Dashboard is a PowerBI App that contains a set of predefined reports for your sales executives. You can download it for free and connect it to your eWay-CRM. The eWay-CRM Sales Executive Dashboard will then provide the most up-to-date data about your sales performance including the sales pipeline.

How to Install the App and Connect It With Your eWay-CRM

  1. Login to PowerBI.com and click PowerBI Apps.
  2. Search for the "eWay-CRM Sales Executive Dashboard" and install it.
  3. Open the eWay-CRM Sales Insight app and select Connect your data.

  1. There is no need to insert any parameters, just click Next.

  1. Now, you have to log into your eWay-CRM account. Just select the OAuth2 method and click Sign In.

  1. In the first login dialog, you need to insert the address of your web service (same as you have in eWay-CRM Settings in your eWay-CRM Outlook).

  1. Then insert your username and password.

  1. If all credentials were inserted correctly, now, you can see the report on the basis of your eWay-CRM data.


Automatic Refresh

  1. Click the pencil icon in the top right part of your report.

  1. Then, move your mouse over the dataset and click the Schedule refresh icon.

  1. Here, you can set when the data will be automatically synchronized.


The report has these parts:

Part Description Benefits
Header The name of the report and the currency of the report.
Revenue The total revenue from all sales invoices and credit notes related to deals in the selected time period. Have a basic overview of how much you invoiced on your deals. 
New Deals Deals created in the selected time period. Know the number of all created deals and whether you are completing your goal.
Won Deals Deals that were successfully completed in the selected time period. Know the number of won deals and compare them to the number of created deals.
Selected Period Select the time period what the report will be generated for. Set the period you really want to report.
Sales Pipeline The revenue of your deals by their statuses. Get the information on what deals statuses accumulate the most money.
Sales Forecast The revenue of your future deals by their statuses. Look at the nearest months whether your deals are close to completion. Focus on the most reliable ones.
Sales Pipeline by Sales Reps The revenue of your deals with statuses by your sales representatives. Evaluate whether big deals are not stuck at their beginning. Who is responsible for it?
Top Sales Reps The revenue by your sales representatives. Find out who the best and the worst sales representative is.
Activities by Sales Reps Activities made by your sales representatives. These activities are Journal types. Evaluate the most active sales representatives and forms of communication they are using.
Top Referral Sources The referral sources of your deals. Determine what sources bring you the most deals and what needs to be improved.
Hot 10 Deals Top 10 deals (sort by their value) to be closed within the selected period. Focus on specific deals that are more profitable and their probability of success is higher.