Frequency of sending reports

Reports with inserted given tasks and tasks to solve can be sent just on work days or every day. This adjustment can be changed via the parameter in the triggers.xml file that is situated in the Triggers folder on the server in the web service folder.

It is necessary to find the following section and then change the highlighted parameter:

<TriggerDefinition When="ScheduledAtTime" Active="true" >
<Action Type="Class">
<Class Name="eWay.Triggers.Actions.NotifyTasks.NotifyTasksTrigger" Assembly="EXECUTING_ASSEMBLY" />
<ActionCriteria Name="Time" Value="01.01.2009 06:00:00"/>
<ActionCriteria Name="TimeSpan" Value="00:01:00"/>
<ActionCriteria Name="Repeat" Value="wd"/>

The wd value specifies that reports will be sent only on working days.

The d value signifies that reports will be sent daily.

When you change and save the file, it is necessary to restart the web service in IIS, otherwise the changes will not be done.