Advanced Tab

Availability: This setting is NOT available since eWay-CRM 5.4.0.

In the Advanced tab, you can set a limit for the usage of system resources by eWay-CRM. Simply grasp the scroll bar, drag it to the desired place and accept with OK.

The value Minimum System Resources Usage means that the system will minimally utilize your computer and more performance will be left for other applications. If you select this option, the complex operations will be slower in eWay-CRM. If you have no real need to do this, we recommend that you do not lower the performance to the minimum.

On the other hand, the value Maximum Performance of the Application will allow eWay-CRM to use the maximum of system resources. The system will work faster, but other applications may be slowed and computer utilization will be higher.

This setting can be changed without the need to restart MS Outlook.