Disable Filter for Completed Projects

Disable Filter for Completed Projects gives you the opportunity to adjust whether the projects which are in the Completed and Lost status, will be displayed in the Superior Item selection or in the selection of a project when you enter a time sheet.

Double-clicking Disable Filter for Completed Projects in the list will bring up the Global Setting card.

Field on the Global Setting Detail

If the check box is marked, the filter is disabled and when you select the Superior Item or project within the entering of a time sheet, even finished projects will be displayed.

If the check box is not marked, the filter is enabled and finished projects will not be shown in the proposals.

Clicking OK in the lower part of the Global Setting card will save changes and close the card. If you wish to close the Global Setting card without saving any changes, click Cancel.

Note: It should be noted that it is important to have a properly adjusted name for completed and lost projects in the Global Settings to ensure correct working of the filter. If you want more information about how to check or change the name, take a look in the articles: Project Completed Status Name and Project Lost Status Name.