Project Completed Status Name

Project Completed Status Name is the name of the status that is used in the project workflow for successfully finished projects. The evidence of this status in Global Settings enables you to use another parameter (Disable Filter for Completed Projects), where you can define whether or not the completed project will be displayed when selecting the Superior item (in emails, time sheet and so on).

Double-clicking Project Completed Status Name in the list will bring up the Global Setting card.

Field on the Global Setting Detail

The value field is intended to enter the adjustment value. It is a text value that should be the workflow status name, which marks the project as successfully closed. The correct name of this status can be found in the Administration Settings section called Workflow Diagrams and by following this process:

  1. Select the Workflow Diagrams option in the left menu of the Administration Application.

  2. The list of workflow diagrams will be displayed in the right part of the window and you can select the diagram that is defined for the Projects module (all projects types workflows should have same completed status name).

  3. Click the Modify List of Statuses icon.

  4. The list of statuses which are defined for a given workflow will be displayed in the table. We are looking for the status that denotes a successfully closed project– in our case it will be Completed. It is important to work with the name that is listed in the FileAs column, as shown in the picture (and we insert Completed value into the Project Completed Status Name in the Global Settings).

Clicking OK in the lower part of the Global Setting card will save changes and close the card. If you wish to close the Global Setting card without saving any changes, click Cancel.