City, Country, Identification Number, Name, State / Region, Street, VAT, ZIP

The Company Details group contains just few entries. Fields called City, Identification Number, Name, Street, VAT and ZIP are representing basic information about your company that are entered in the business register or trade licensing register. Filling fields in this category is not mandatory and inserted data are not verified against any register. Company Details are just and only for your need - you appreciate having them stored mainly when executing a data export from eWay-CRM to other systems - e.g. you can generate a business proposal from a bookkeeping record and data from Company Details will be used in the field Supplier on that proposal. For more information about export options, go to Data Export to Microsoft Word.

Double-clicking any of the Company Details items will open a card for editing the Global Setting. The entry that should be filled is displayed in the picture above. Below, there is also a table with meaning of all these fields. You can fill in data you want to show during exporting in, for example, proposals, letters, project documentation, reports, etc.

For more information about usage of these data while exporting, go to Data Export to Microsoft Word.

If you are using the older Basic version of eWay-CRM, for more information, go to Global Settings Tab.